Danny DeVito Has Officially Picked The Best Penguin

May 2024 · 3 minute read

No one can deny the acting prowess and beloved nature of Danny DeVito, and now the actor has chosen which version of the Penguin has been the best.

By James Brizuela | Published 2 years ago

Danny DeVito is one of the most beloved actors, and the man often speaks his mind when being interviewed. He was recently hooked up to a lie detector test by his daughter, Lucy DeVito, and then interrogated about many topics. During this interview, he revealed that a story he often shared about saving Michael Douglas was not true. Also, he was asked who he believes to be the best version of the Penguin. This is between the amazing job he did in Batman Returns and the newest iteration that was portrayed by Colin Farrell. According to DeVito, “Oh, Colin? I love Colin. He’s a terrific guy. My Penguin’s better. Was that the truth? It certainly was, in my opinion. It’s my opinion, yeah. Good man, though. Colin’s a good guy.” You can see the full interview below:

Colin Farrell has got to be happy that he got such praise from such a legendary actor, though Danny DeVito has stated that he believes himself to be the better Oswald Cobblepot. If we are being honest, they are both amazing in their own rights, and Farrell’s is a far different take. No one can deny that DeVito was amazing in the role though. He was so good, that we believe he should have received an Oscar nomination for this acting. Yeah, it’s that good. Farrell is a much different character. His Penguin is far more “real” and more of a crime figure than the sort of fantastical version that DeVito took on.

The above video is quite revealing as Lucy asks her father if she is his favorite child. Naturally, Danny DeVito finds a way to work around that question. That is when he is asked some hard-hitting questions about his career thus far, including his times hosting Saturday Night Live. He is first shown a picture of Michael Keaton and asked if he is the better Batman, in what was supposed to be a comparison moment, but DeVito won’t even look at any others. He apparently loves Keaton as Batman. We don’t blame him. He is then shown a picture of Colin Farrell and asked about who is the better Penguin.DeVito is quite nice when he states that he was the better Penguin. He even chuckles along with his daughter.

Although Danny DeVito’s time playing the Penguin is long past him, he has expressed interest in returning to another iconic character. Guy Ritchie is said to be working on a live-action Hercules film, which DeVito hilarious inquired about reprising his role as Phil. In fact, his response to not being asked to reprise the role in the film so far was, “If they don’t put me in that, they don’t have a hair on their a**.” Danny DeVito is a gem of a human being. Please keep him safe for many years to come.

While we are not sure if Danny DeVito is going to be watching the Penguin series, or if we are going to see him reprise the role of Phil in the live-action Hercules film, everyone can be happy to know that he is still going to be Frank Reynolds in, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He is also set to star in the Haunted Mansion reboot film from Disney, which will premiere in March of 2023.
