Why Johnny Depp And Winona Ryder Broke Off Their Engagement

May 2024 · 1 minute read

As it turns out, being the "it" couple of the moment carried a ton of pressure. By the time Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp got engaged, they had both heard that a million times, so in an attempt to avoid the invasive eye of the paparazzi, they adopted a different strategy — one of truth and openness. However, after the relationship ended, it was clear they had made a mistake.

"It's very hard to have a personal life in this town," Depp told the Los Angeles Times after their split in 1993. "My relationship with Winona, it was my mistake to be as open as we were, but I thought if we were honest it would destroy that curiosity monster." Not a bad idea, but it ultimately garnered negative results. "Instead it fed it, gave people license to feel they were part of it," Depp explained. 

While we will never know what happened between them in private, the public's demand for the intimate details of their life together didn't do their relationship any favors. The two still seem to respect each other, however. Ryder spoke up on Depp's behalf in 2020 after ex-wife Amber Heard claimed he was abusive. As for the tattoo? Now it says "WINO FOREVER."
