A Wonderful Son, Brother, Friend, Student, and Athlete

May 2024 · 6 minute read

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, but for the community of Pine-Richland, it has been a time of grief and sorrow. On Thursday, December 23, 2023, a tragic car accident claimed the life of 14-year-old Jonathan Tourney, a ninth-grader at Pine-Richland High School. He was one of the three passengers in an SUV that crashed into a tree near North Park around 3 a.m. The driver, 18-year-old Taylor Orlowski from Baden, also died at the scene. The other two passengers, both 17-year-old boys, survived with serious injuries and were taken to a nearby hospital.

Jonathan was a vibrant young man who loved sports, music, and video games. He was a member of the school’s soccer and basketball teams and played the guitar and piano. He had a bright smile and a lively spirit that touched everyone who knew him. His family, friends, and teachers described him as a kind, funny, and smart kid who had a promising future ahead of him.

“He was a joy to have in class,” said his math teacher, Mrs. Jones. “He always participated, asked questions, and helped his classmates. He had a passion for learning and a curiosity for the world. He was one of those students who made teaching worthwhile.”

“He was my best friend,” said his neighbor, Jake, who had known Jonathan since kindergarten. “We did everything together. We played soccer, watched movies, played video games, you name it. He was always there for me, no matter what. He was like a brother to me.”

“He was my sunshine,” said his mother, Sarah, who was overcome with emotion. “He was the light of my life. He was always happy, always positive, always loving. He had so much to live for. He had so many dreams and goals. He wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, a musician, a soccer player. He wanted to travel the world, help people, and make a difference. He was taken away from me too soon. Too soon.”

A Devastating Blow to the Community

The news of Jonathan’s death spread quickly throughout the community, leaving many in shock and disbelief. Hundreds of people attended a candlelight vigil on Tuesday night at the Pine-Richland High School stadium, where they honored his memory and expressed their condolences to his family. They sang songs, shared stories, and prayed together. They also released balloons and lanterns into the sky, creating a beautiful sight that symbolized their hope and love.

“It’s hard to believe that he’s gone,” said his soccer coach, Mr. Smith. “Jonathan Tourney was such a talented and dedicated player. He always gave his best, always worked hard, always improved. He was a leader on and off the field. He inspired his teammates, motivated them, and supported them. He was a role model for everyone. He had so much potential, so much talent. He could have achieved anything he wanted. He was a star.”

“It’s heartbreaking to lose him,” said his principal, Mr. Lee. “Jonathan was a valued member of our school community. He was a good student, a good citizen, a good person. He was respectful, responsible, and reliable. He was involved in many activities and clubs and contributed to the school spirit. He was well-liked by his peers and his teachers. He was a joy to have around. He will be greatly missed.”

A Call for Action and Awareness

The car accident that killed Jonathan Tourney and Taylor was not an isolated incident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States. In 2022, more than 3,000 teens aged 15 to 19 were killed and more than 200,000 were injured in car crashes. The NHTSA also reports that teen drivers are more likely than older drivers to speed, run red lights, make illegal turns, text while driving, and drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These risky behaviors increase the chances of a fatal crash, especially at night and on weekends.

In light of this tragedy, many in the community are calling for more action and awareness to prevent teen car accidents and save lives. They are urging parents, teachers, and authorities to educate teens about the dangers and consequences of reckless driving and to enforce strict rules and regulations. They are also encouraging teens to be more responsible and cautious behind the wheel and to avoid distractions, impairment, and peer pressure. They are hoping that by raising awareness and taking action, they can make a difference and prevent future tragedies.

“We need to do something about this,” said his aunt, Lisa, who organized a petition to lower the speed limit and install more traffic lights and cameras on the road where the accident occurred. “We need to make the roads safer for everyone, especially for our kids. We need to make sure that this never happens again. We need to honor Jonathan’s legacy by making a positive change.”

“We need to learn from this,” said his friend, Sam, who was one of the survivors of the crash. “We need to be more careful and more mindful when we drive. We need to think about the consequences of our actions, and how they affect ourselves and others. We need to respect the rules and the laws and follow them. We need to value our lives and the lives of others. We need to make better choices and be smarter drivers.”

Friends, teammates, a community remembering 14y/o Jonathan Tourney who died in a car crash over the weekend. Tourney was a 9th grader & played football for Pine-Richland. A pastor told the crowd our spirits are crushed. @kdka pic.twitter.com/Fdv5Na1HKD

— Jennifer Borrasso (@JenBorrasso) December 26, 2023

Jonathan Tourney’s Death and Obituary

As the community mourns the loss of Jonathan Tourney, they also celebrate his life and his achievements. They remember him as a wonderful son, brother, friend, student, and athlete. They remember him as a happy, positive, and loving person. They remember him as a star that shone bright in their lives. They remember him as a hero who touched their hearts.

“Jonathan was a special kid,” said his father, David, who held his wife and daughter close. “He was a gift from God. He was a blessing to us. He was everything to us. He made us proud, he made us happy, he made us better. He was our angel. He still is. He will always be. We love him so much. We miss him so much. We will never forget him. We will always remember him.”

This article is dedicated to the memory of Jonathan Tourney, who died on December 23, 2023, at the age of 14. He was a beloved son, brother, friend, student, and athlete. He was a star that shone bright in the sky. He was a hero that touched many lives. He was a legend that will live on in our hearts. Rest in peace, Jonathan. You will always be remembered.
