10 Wrestlers Who Don't Get Along With Stephanie McMahon (& Why)

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Stephanie McMahon is someone who has played the biggest heel possible on television, but according to certain talents, she's that way backstage. As is the case with anyone in a position of power backstage, there are people who love Stephanie, and there are people who hate her.

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Being a McMahon family member is always going to draw a certain level of attention, and that has been the case with Stephanie. She isn't just an on-screen talent and has also taken up a variety of roles backstage, which has led her to having certain conflicts with other wrestlers, with some just not being keen on Steph.

10 Gail Kim

Gail Kim isn't a fan of the McMahon family in general. She's called out Vince McMahon as a racist in the past and has made it crystal clear that she doesn't like the family, or her experience in WWE generally.

However, her issues with Stephanie McMahon stemmed from the women's evolution and Stephanie being at the front of it. She found the entire situation to be false, with Gail Kim calling that out.


RVD's lifestyle is something that is very well documented at this point in time. It is well-known that he enjoys smoking a little weed on the side, and that is obviously something that is not ideal for a PG environment like WWE.

RVD has revealed that in the past, Stephanie has questioned his way of life and told him that he needed to be more discreet about things. It's something that just caused a little tension between them during their time together.

8 Kaitlyn

The former Divas Champion is another person who isn't overly keen on Stephanie McMahon. Their issues date back to 2013 when the two of them had a falling out backstage during a show.

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They had a problem backstage when Kaitlyn interrupted her, and WWE opted to turn that into a segment on Raw once. Kaitlyn then lost her title shortly after this and then ended up leaving WWE not long after, with a lot of the signs pointing to this fallout.

7 Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman and Stephanie McMahon were both part of the creative team for WWE in the 2000's, and they certainly took the competitive element seriously. They were at loggerheads in trying to make things work for their respective brands, and that caused a few issues.

While they've clearly always been respectful towards each other due to the roles that they have within the company, that doesn't mean they are close. He didn't like the pressures she placed onto him during their creative days, and that caused some tension.

6 Bret Hart

The Hitman has had a love-hate relationship with Stephanie McMahon's father throughout his life, but he isn't so keen on her either. Bret Hart is never one to mince his words, and he has no problem saying what's on his mind during interviews.

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Bret has spoken in the past about believing that Stephanie takes away credability from other wrestlers. He has called her out for not understanding the industry in the right way, and clearly doesn't feel that she belongs.

5 AJ Lee

AJ Lee played a big part in making the women's evolution become a reality in WWE, and she did that by calling out Stephanie McMahon. AJ had no problem in tweeting to Stephanie to demand better wages for women and more opportunities.

She clearly didn't agree with everything that Stephanie did behind the scenes, which was likely only enhanced by who she is married to. However, it was very clear that the two women didn't get along, even though they were pushing for the same thing.

4 Chyna

While Chyna is unfortunately no longer around, she was someone who absolutely hated Stephanie McMahon, for obvious reasons. Triple H was in a relationship with Chyna prior to being with Stephanie and that caused clear issues between them.

Chyna felt that something went on between them while they were still together and that is where the tension began. The fact Chyna was let go from WWE soon after also didn't help matters.

3 Vince Russo

Vince Russo may not be an in-ring talent, but he has certainly got a major history within the professional wrestling industry. He has claimed that the worst decision WWE made was hiring Stephanie McMahon, making his feelings very clear.

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Vince Russo clearly just doesn't rate Stephanie's work very highly, despite what she's managed to achieve throughout her career. He's not been shy about sharing his opinion either, often making it clear that he's not a fan.

2 Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner is someone who has been against the McMahon family for a long time, and that hate extends towards Stephanie as well. He has often made plenty of focal comments towards the McMahon family and his dislike for them.

Steiner has consistently complained about his time in WWE, mainly because of how he was booked during that period. It didn't help that Stephanie was the person in charge of creative at that stage, which leads to his problems with her.

1 CM Punk

It is pretty obvious, but CM Punk is certainly someone who doesn't like Stephanie McMahon. He has made that much very clear, even during his infamous Pipebomb, where he called out Steph as Vince's "Idiotic Daughter."

Punk clearly felt Stephanie was one of the reasons he wasn't quite getting the push that he wanted in WWE, and that led to the tension starting. The McMahon family and Punk never really saw eye to eye during his time with the company though, which is a shame considering the fact he was the top star.

NEXT: 10 Times WWE Gave Us Too Much Of The McMahons
