Jennifer Garner Shared Her Advice on Receiving Cosmetic Procedures

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Jennifer Garner is sharing her thoughts on cosmetic procedures — and providing some insightful advice about something few people actually talk about. During a recent interview with Harper's Bazaar, the actress told the publication about the beauty knowledge she'll be passing down to her daughters, Violet and Seraphina, whom she shares with ex-husband Ben Affleck.

"My beauty advice is always the same: Look in the mirror less, obsess less, and look at the rest of the world to see what you could be using your time for instead," she said. "We all look at our faces more than people used to, and it doesn't do you any good. You obsess over changes or how to fix something on your face."

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She also added some guidance when it comes to receiving injections, like filler and Botox. "My advice is to look at the mirror less and be cautious when it comes to injecting anything into your face," she continued. "Be very, very incredibly judicious and wait as absolutely long as possible to add anything. Don't think that you're 37 and you need to be shooting up your face. You don't need to wear so much makeup or have such a constant blowout."

In a 2020 interview with Real Simple, Garner spoke about getting Botox, saying that she wasn't a fan. Instead, her tip for great skin and hair is very simple and pretty foolproof. "My hair philosophy is the same way as how I approach makeup, which is that if you take care of your skin and hair, then you should feel good without adding anything major," she said. "As I get older, I probably need more mascara or to give my roots a little help, but I don't have to do that, because I know that my skin and hair are as strong as ever."
