Shop Glytones Rejuvenating Mini Peel Gel With an Exclusive Discount

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Even if your skincare routine takes care of you and your everyday concerns, you’ll notice that every so often, your skin might just need a little more help — a boost of some sort, such as a chemical peel. The main roadblock is that when done in-office, these treatments can cost hundreds of dollars. Thankfully, there is an ever-expanding assortment of more affordable and accessible at-home alternatives, such as Glytone’s Rejuvenating Mini Peel Gel, which InStyle readers can shop at a discount using the code STYLE10.

Think of this exfoliating and retexturizing product as a souped-up toner or clarifying mask. A thin layer of the glycolic acid-rich gel applied to your face for 10 minutes will result in immediate and long-term changes, such as the fading of age spots and hyperpigmentation, a reduction in the severity of wrinkles, less congested skin, and clearer pores. 


Shop now: $55 with code STYLE10 (Originally $65);

Even if you have serums in your routine that target similar concerns, think of them as daily exercises, while something like Glytone’s Peel Gel is a quick-and-dirty boot camp. One reviewer who “loves chemical peels” couldn’t find “an at-home alternative that made [their] skin glow” until they tried Glytone’s, which they describe as being “10,000 percent on par with in-office treatments.” The sentiment was echoed by a reviewer who claims to be an esthetician, who said “[Glytone Rejuvenating Peel] is up there with professional peels. It gave me a glow, purged impurities, and evened out my skin tone in one use.” 

Many shoppers do note, however, that there is a strong tingling sensation while wearing the Glytone Peel. But afterward, “problematic skin” prone to sensitivity, “redness, hormonal acne, and dry patches” is transformed and cleared. One final reviewer said it gave them “new skin.” 

At $55, thanks to the exclusive InStyle discount code STYLE10, Glytone’s Rejuvenating Mini Peel Gel is an affordable, repeat-use alternative to pricey in-office chemical peels. Head to Glytone to shop it at its discounted price until May 10.
