Billboard Ranks Top 10 Rappers of All Time, Jay-Z Tops the List, Rap Fans Disagree: Embarrassing

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Billboard has reportedly ranked the top 10 rappers of all time. The list has sparked a heated debate among hip-hop heads.

According to Daily Loud, a hip-hop page, the first hip-hop billionaire, Jay-Z, topped the list released by Billboard. Kendrick Lamar came in second while Jay-Z's arch-rival in the industry, Nas, took the third spot.

Rappers including Eminem, Lil Wayne, 2Pac, Drake, The Notorious BIG, Snoop Dogg, and Nicki Minaj also made it to the top ten list of hip-hop GOATs. Taking to Twitter, Daily Loud captioned its post:

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Hip-hop fans react to the top 10 list

The list sparked a heated debate in Daily Loud's comment section. Hip-hop heads shared mixed views on the list with many saying Jay-Z doesn't deserve the top spot.

@AlexTheAug said:

"Lmao, Drake and Nicki Minaj don’t belong anywhere near this list."

@Queen_Shady wrote:


@PelotonDonJaun commented:

"Embarrassing list. Jay-Z never even had his own style or flow. Kendrick isn’t known worldwide. Nas was hot for a 4-year span. Pac is the goat. Nobody on this list is on his level. Nobody's got statues built but Pac. Nobody's teaching classes at universities on this list but Pac."

@Augi_T said:

"Nah, Jay-Z at 1 ain’t it. Where’s Kanye? Also, 2Pac > Kendrick Lamar easily."

@ReportsbyWario added:

"Kendrick over Eminem is ridiculous, sorry."

Trevor Noah meets Busta Rhymes, raps rapper's Party Is Goin' On Over Here

In other entertainment news, Briefly News reported that Trevor Noah is a huge fan of Busta Rhymes. The Grammy host bust a rhyme when he bumped into the legendary US rapper at the Grammys.

In a trending video, the South African comedian and Busta showed each other mad love when they met at the prestigious ceremony. Trevor rapped Busta Rhymes' classic hit, Party Is Goin' On Over Here word for word leaving the rapper speechless.

The clip of the moment for life was also posted on Twitter by The Source Magazine. The publication captioned its post:

'Trevor Noah knew every lyric to Busta Rhymes’ 'Party Is Goin’ On Over Here'."
