Cyberchase | A Perfect Score: Act 1 | Season 6 | Episode 8

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Cyberchase - we're moving we're beating Hacker at his game Don't tell me that he's trying to hack the Motherboard we'll get him every time ...places that we've seen We've got the power of one two three four Running in the Cyberchase We meet him face to face We'll stick together all the time Adventures in cyberspace The chase is on!



Sorry, Didge.

You okay?

I...I think so.

Do you know where you are?

On vacation at Club Solaria and loving it!

No chaos to fight, and no Hacker!

Volleyball, anyone?


What are YOU doing here!


Just looking for a little rest and relaxation.

Even the King of Chaos needs an occasional vacation from villainy.

Like we're supposed to believe him?

Ta-ta, kiddies.

Yes, ladies, cruise the view.

Check out the chin.

...hel-lo there.

Hello, Hacky-poo.


I...I had no idea you were here.



Check out that surfer dude.

That's Tank Grommet - the best cyber-surfer ever!

Sorry it took so long, Wicks.

Looks delicious, waiter.

I'll have the same.

He's not a waiter, Hackie-poops.

Meet Tank Grommet.

Did she tell you she's a witch?

She didn't have to, brother.

She casts her spell every time I look at her.

You see, Hackie-poo?

Someone knows a good thing when he sees it.

If you ask me, he doesn't know a surfboard from a zucchini Man, aren't they incredible?

Yeah, right.

What's incredible is a perfect set and a genormous spike!

C'mon, let's play volleyball!

If this is so boring, Matt... how come Tank Grommet is so into it?

Hey, boss, the dancers are over there.

Yeah, don't you like dancing?

The only dancing I'm gonna do is on surfer boy's pretty head!

Alrighty, everyone!

It's time for our judge to tell us which couple has won this year's movin' and groovin' Solaria Dance Contest!

King Dudicus, who's our winner?

Well, Tappy...I'd say they were all totally awesome.

That's great, but which couple was the most awesome?

They were like equally awesome.

C'mon, who won?

Make a choice!

King, as the judge, you have to pick one winner.

That's what judges do.

It would be a lot easier to figure out who the winner is if dancing was a sport.

Dancing is so a sport!

Be right back.

Excuse me, my name's Inez.

Can I make a suggestion?


Since King Dudicus can't pick a winner by himself, why not add another judge?

Great idea!

You're a judge.

Who do you think won?

What if Inez picks one couple - and I pick a different one.

Who wins then?

Ooh...a split decision.

We'll have three judges, then.

I'll be the third one.

I vote for-- Wait-wait, I can't be a judge.

I didn't see all the dancers dance.

No problem, we'll have a do-over!

A do-over?

Now that we have three judges instead of one - we're going to start the contest over so we can all see it and pick a winner.

Who's dancing in the do-over?

C'mon, buttercup, let's show 'em what we can do.

We're in!

C'mon, folks...we can't have a dance contest with only one couple.

Step up...and show us what you've got.

C'mon, boss, go out there!

Show Wicked what you got!


You can dance circles around that guy.

Of course I can!

I can do it in my sleep!

But who would I dance with?

C'mon Matt, be my partner.

If the best surfer in all of cyberspace can dance, so can you.

No way!

What about you, Didge?

I hear you can really wing it.

Nice try, Jax...but the Didge does not dance.

Well, maybe one time... but not today.

Hello, my little cyber-squader.


What do you want?


I feel like dancing.


Who would dance with you?

Let me put it another way!

My two duncebuckets just waltzed off with your little earthpal.


Inez is gone!

But certainly not forgotten.

Now then, if you ever want to see her again, you'll dance with me.

You can't do this, Hacker!

I already did!

Shall we?

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Not till after we it? looks like we have another couple.

The Hacker!

The Jackie!

The Losers!

You find Inez...I'll figure out how to handle things here!

I'm on it!

Let's get this show on the road!

But Inez is gone!

We only have two judges.


Like, what happens if I vote for him -and you vote for her?

I'll be the third judge!

Oh, goody!

The Do-Over can begin!

On one condition!

If Wicked uses her wand or any magic...they lose!


But if the judges, including that earth kid... don't judge fairly... the green guy loses!



I'm not a cheater!

You'll both get exactly what you deserve!

Okay, couples, here's the routine.

We're looking for something stylish and athletic.

Something like this.

Music, maestro.

Each couple will have time to practice... then The Do-Over Dance Contest will begin.

Time to hang ten, Wicks...make that twenty!


I love it when you talk surfy!

Can you do any of those steps?

Of course not!

But you're going to teach me.



And double eww!




I...I don't think they heard you.

Hey, guys!

Can we talk about this?

I can't get a picture, Buzzy.

Keep workin' on it, Deedee.

We gotta watch the boss win.

Kozlow, can't you get this thing moving?

Not from up here.

I hate heights.

But you run the ferris wheel, how can you hate heights?

I just run it - I don't ride in it!

Ooooooooo... That looks like a good place to look for Nezzie... Inez!

You up here?

Or are you down there?

