Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Season 2: Premiere Date, Characters, Plot

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Somewhere deep down, we all have this desire for acceptance. Especially when in school, most of us can surely recall incidents where we went a bit too extreme just to get that feeling. For the most part of it, ‘Wolf Girl and Black Prince’ is pretty much like all other Shoujo anime shows but the characters in this one are not as sweet as they seem. As the name suggests, one is a compulsively lying wolf and the other one is a sadistic “Prince”. Most of these romance anime shows have a premise that revolves around the complications of the relationship between the two characters. But here in this one, the complications have more to do with the characters themselves and not the external factors. I wouldn’t say that originality is this one’s forte but the way the whole story unfolds is rather uncommon and also extremely interesting.

Even the supporting cast is entertaining albeit one dimensional and receives little to no development. TYO Animation Studio does a great job with the color palette and visuals of the show, all of which are very well suitable to the main theme. The opening and closing tracks of the anime are very catchy but a lot of times, the background music seems to be really off. Overall, ‘Wolf Girl & Black Prince’ has enough merits to qualify as a really good Shoujo and can definitely be enjoyed by most people who belong to the targeted demographic. However, I cannot guarantee that this one will suit everyone’s taste because it boldly presents two very dislikable characters who have their own set of flaws and are in no way perfect like others of this genre. But this is exactly where things get really interesting and make this show stand out. In the end, ‘Wolf Girl & Black Prince’ is just a relatable show that gives your own enjoyable moments of “been there; done that”.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince Season 2 Release Date: When will it premiere?

‘Wolf Girl and Black Prince’ Season 1 released on October 5, 2014 and came to an end on December 21, 2014. Now the anime is nothing more than your typical high-school show but even then, most Shoujo viewers really enjoyed watching the budding relationship between the school hunk and an energetic tsundere girl. In the first season, their relationship seems to be in the initial stage and is still growing. This means that the story still has a long way to go. Considering this, the chances of getting a season 2 are quite high. Even when it comes to the sales of the manga, close to 5.4 million copies were sold till the year 2016, which clearly shows that it has been doing really well.

The manga chapters have been released consistently and are way ahead of the anime. So there are chances that the anime will also be revived somewhere down the road. But as of now, it seems like the creators have not given it much thought because there haven’t been any confirmations yet. Even then, we can expect ‘Wolf Girl and Black Prince’ Season 2 release could be 2021. Everything seems to be in the favor of a new season, so all we have to do is patiently wait for it to come out.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince English Dub:

You can watch ‘Wolf and the Black Prince’ with its original Japanese audio and English subtitles on Crunchyroll.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince Plot:

They say jealousy is poison and is built upon one’s insecurities but that thought does not stop Erika Shinohara from lying about her romantic endeavors just to make her friends feel that she’s “living the life”. Her lies seem to be believable until one day when her friends ask her for a picture of her boyfriend, she randomly snaps the picture of a stranger named Kyouya Sata. Though a stranger to her, her friends recognize this guy as one of the most popular and cutest guys in school and now puts Erika in the jeopardy of being exposed.

She decides to do what remains as her only way out of this web of lies — she tells him about her predicament and asks him if he would be willing to play along. Kyouya, who is seen as this kind-hearted boy by the whole school, is no angel and decides to take this opportunity for granted. He starts exploiting her and never misses out on a chance to humiliate her. This reaches a point where Erika starts to question her decision and thinks of telling her friends the truth.

But this story is not about the cruelties in the mind of a high school boy and it’s also not about how Erika goes deeper into the sh*tstorm that she created for herself. It’s more about how the two start seeing the good in each other despite the awkward situation they are in. It shows how love can transform an evil character into a whole new better person and also make a “wolf girl” question who she truly is.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince Characters:

Sata Kyouya

Sata is the titular character of the anime and is referred to as the “Black Prince“. “Prince” because pretty much everyone in school looks up to him for his good looks and kind heart but only a few know about all the darkness that lurks inside him. The sweet and cute guy takes Erika’s proposal for granted and uses her as his slave. It is later revealed that anyone who tries to get close to him is treated in the same cold way as he treats Erika. But with time, his heart starts to melt little by little and he begins to fall in love with Erika. Later he even starts getting jealous every time he sees her with some other guy. He gets really protective of her and instead of treating her like a slave, he slowly becomes nice to her.

Erika Shinohara

Erika Shinohara is the main protagonist of the series, who constantly lies about how perfect her life is just to get the attention of her friends. She lies about having a boyfriend and later lands herself in deep trouble after she claims that the most popular guy in school is her boyfriend. Kyouka “The Prince” treats her horribly but she is so determined to protect her lies that she keeps taking all the torture without telling anyone about it. She is a teenage girl with an average height and figure.

Erika initially had shoulder-length brown hair but later chops them off into a bob. She is really easy-going and also has a lot of confidence. She is also a glutton and has the capability of eating a lot of food in just one serving. Once she sets her eyes on getting something done, she does it with all her determination without losing sight of what she wants. This can be seen when she starts to lie about the fact that Sata is her boyfriend. No matter how badly he initially treats her, she does not back off from her lie even after it comes back and bites her hard.
