Farrelly Brothers Net Worth How Much Is Farrelly Brothers Worth?

May 2024 · 13 minute read

The Farrelly Brothers, known for their unique sense of humor, are a directing and producing duo who have achieved significant success in Hollywood. With their impressive filmography and box office hits, their net worth has soared over the years. In this article, we will explore the Farrelly Brothers’ net worth, their contributions to the film industry, and their impact as successful directors.

The Farrelly Brothers have created a name for themselves with their iconic movies such as “Dumb and Dumber,” “There’s Something About Mary,” and “The Three Stooges.” Their films are not only incredibly entertaining but have also been highly profitable, contributing to their impressive net worth.

farrelly brothers net worth

Key Takeaways:

Early Life

In this section, we will delve into the early life of the Farrelly Brothers and explore their upbringing, childhood, and family background.

Bobby Farrelly, one-half of the famous directing and producing duo, was born on June 17, 1958, in Cumberland, Rhode Island. He grew up in a close-knit family, surrounded by his siblings Peter, Kathy, Cindy, and Beth.

During his formative years, Bobby displayed a passion for sports, particularly hockey. His skills on the ice earned him a hockey scholarship, and he excelled as a goalie on his school’s hockey team.

Through their early experiences and upbringing, the Farrelly Brothers developed a strong bond as siblings and a shared love for entertainment, setting the stage for their successful careers in the film industry.

Stay tuned for the next section, where we will explore the Farrelly Brothers’ impressive career in the film industry and their contributions to the world of comedy.


The Farrelly brothers, Bobby and Peter, have had a successful and prolific film career spanning decades. They burst onto the scene with their film debut, the comedy “Dumb and Dumber,” in 1994. The movie was a box office hit and showcased their unique brand of humor.

Building on their early success, the Farrelly brothers went on to write, direct, and produce a string of successful films that have become beloved classics. Some of their notable works include:

In addition to their work in feature films, the Farrelly brothers also expanded their creative endeavors to television. They served as executive producers on the animated series “Ozzy & Drix” and directed episodes of the popular show “Trailer Park Boys.”

Farrelly Brothers Filmography

1994Dumb and DumberDirectors, Writers, Producers
1996KingpinDirectors, Writers, Producers
1998There’s Something About MaryDirectors, Writers, Producers
2000Me, Myself & IreneDirectors, Writers, Producers
2006The Heartbreak KidDirectors, Writers, Producers
2012The Three StoogesDirectors, Writers, Producers
2014Dumb and Dumber ToDirectors, Writers, Producers

The table above provides a snapshot of the Farrelly brothers’ filmography, highlighting some of their most notable works. It is clear that their directorial work is characterized by their trademark humor and unique storytelling style.

In the words of the Farrelly brothers themselves: “We enjoy taking chances, and we enjoy making people laugh. And if we can do those two things combined together, then we’ve succeeded.”

The Farrelly brothers’ success as directors, writers, and producers can be attributed to their ability to create comedy that resonates with audiences. Through their films, they have carved out a niche in the comedy genre and established themselves as influential figures in Hollywood.

Farrelly Brothers

Personal Life

Bobby Farrelly, one half of the renowned directing duo, has a fulfilling personal life outside of his successful career. He is happily married to Nancy, and together they have built a beautiful family. Bobby and Nancy are proud parents to three children.

As a testament to their strong bond, Nancy has even appeared in some of the Farrelly brothers’ films, showcasing their collaborative work and shared love for the industry.

“Family is the cornerstone of my life. They inspire me and make each day brighter,” says Bobby Farrelly.

Tragically, the Farrelly family experienced the untimely loss of their son Jesse in 2012, at the tender age of 20. Despite this heartbreaking setback, the Farrellys remain united and continue to cherish their precious memories.

Abe, on the other hand, has followed in his father’s footsteps, pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. With over 20 acting credits to his name, Abe is making a name for himself in the world of film and television.

Tiffany, the talented daughter of Bobby and Nancy, has also made appearances in several Farrelly brothers films, further showcasing the family’s ability to collaborate and create together.

Bobby Farrelly with his family

Awards and Nominations

The Farrelly Brothers have garnered recognition and acclaim in the film industry, receiving numerous prestigious awards and nominations throughout their career. Their unique blend of humor and storytelling has captivated audiences and critics alike, earning them a place among Hollywood’s most celebrated filmmakers.

Some of the notable awards and nominations received by the Farrelly Brothers include:

“The Farrelly Brothers have mastered the art of combining humor with heart, creating films that are both hilarious and touching. Their exceptional talent has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the numerous accolades they have received throughout their career.” – Film Critic

Bobby Farrelly, one half of the dynamic duo, also received a Truly Moving Picture Award for their film “Champions” at the esteemed Heartland Film Festival. This recognition highlights their commitment to creating movies that inspire and resonate with audiences on a deeper level.

Farrelly Brothers Awards

Bobby Farrelly’s Net Worth

Bobby Farrelly, one half of the directing and producing duo known as the Farrelly Brothers, has amassed a significant net worth of $40 million. His wealth has been built through his successful career as a director, screenwriter, and producer in the film industry. With his unique comedic style and unforgettable films, Bobby Farrelly has made a lasting impact on Hollywood.

Throughout his career, Bobby Farrelly has worked on a number of hit films that have contributed to his impressive net worth. Some of his notable works include:

Bobby Farrelly Net Worth

With these successful projects, Bobby Farrelly has not only entertained audiences but also generated substantial earnings. His talent as a director, combined with his ability to create comedic gold, has undoubtedly played a significant role in his financial success.

It’s important to mention that Bobby Farrelly’s net worth is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and creative vision. Through his contributions to the film industry, he has not only achieved financial prosperity but has also left an indelible mark on the comedy genre.

Peter Farrelly

Peter Farrelly, the brother and collaborator of Bobby Farrelly, has also made significant contributions to the film industry. With a successful career as a director, screenwriter, and producer, Peter has co-directed films such as “Dumb and Dumber” and “The Three Stooges,” showcasing his talent and creativity.

Throughout his career, Peter Farrelly has worked closely with his brother Bobby to create memorable and entertaining films. Together, they have brought their unique humor and storytelling to the big screen, captivating audiences with their imaginative narratives and unforgettable characters.

While Bobby Farrelly may take the spotlight in this section, it is essential to acknowledge Peter Farrelly’s important role in the duo’s success. His contributions as a co-director, screenwriter, and producer have been instrumental in shaping the Farrelly Brothers’ filmography.

Peter Farrelly

Contributions to Disability Rights

The Farrelly brothers have been dedicated advocates for disability rights throughout their careers, using their platform in the film industry to promote inclusivity and representation. One of the ways they have championed this cause is by featuring disabled characters in their films, breaking barriers and challenging societal norms. By portraying disabled individuals as complex, multi-dimensional characters, the Farrelly brothers have helped to humanize and destigmatize disabilities, fostering greater understanding and empathy among audiences.

“We believe that everyone deserves to have their stories told, and that includes individuals with disabilities. By featuring disabled characters in our films, we strive to create a more inclusive and diverse representation of the world we live in.”

– Farrelly Brothers

For their significant contributions to disability rights and advocacy for disabled characters, the Farrelly brothers were honored with the Morton E. Ruderman Award for Inclusion of People with Disabilities. This prestigious award recognizes their unwavering commitment to promoting equality and acceptance through their work in the film industry. Through their films, the Farrelly brothers have not only entertained audiences but also raised awareness about the challenges and experiences faced by disabled individuals.

This dedication to inclusivity and representation has had a profound impact on both the film industry and society as a whole. By shedding light on the lives of disabled individuals, the Farrelly brothers have helped to foster a more inclusive and accepting culture, encouraging conversations and driving positive change. Their contributions to disability rights continue to inspire and influence filmmakers to follow in their footsteps, ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and celebrated.

Farrelly Brothers contribution to disability rights

Bobby Farrelly’s Current Projects

Bobby Farrelly, the renowned director and producer, has been actively engaged in several exciting projects recently. Let’s take a look at his latest endeavors:


Bobby Farrelly recently directed the film “Champions”, a heartfelt comedy-drama that follows the story of an underdog sports team overcoming various obstacles. This film showcases Farrelly’s unique storytelling style, blending humor with heartfelt moments that resonate with audiences.


In addition to his film projects, Bobby Farrelly has also made contributions to the television industry. He has worked on the popular series “Trailer Park Boys”, known for its offbeat humor and quirky characters. Furthermore, he has been involved in the critically acclaimed comedy-drama series “Loudermilk”, which explores themes of addiction and recovery in a satirical manner.

Upcoming Project:

Bobby Farrelly is set to direct the highly anticipated holiday comedy “Dear Santa”. This film promises to be a delightful and entertaining experience, featuring the talented actor Jack Black. With Farrelly’s comedic expertise and Black’s charismatic performance, “Dear Santa” is sure to bring joy and laughter to audiences during the festive season.

Through his diverse range of projects, Bobby Farrelly continues to captivate audiences with his distinct storytelling and comedic sensibilities. Whether it’s on the big screen or the small screen, Farrelly’s contributions to the entertainment industry are always eagerly awaited and highly regarded.

Bobby Farrelly's Current Projects

Legacy and Impact

The Farrelly brothers, Bobby and Peter, have left an indelible mark on the comedy genre, cementing their place as influential filmmakers. Their unique brand of humor has resonated with audiences, propelling their films to cult classic status. Through their eccentric characters, witty dialogues, and outrageous comedic situations, the Farrelly brothers have continuously entertained and delighted viewers.

One of the most significant impacts of the Farrelly brothers’ work is their contribution to the evolution of comedy. They pushed boundaries and challenged conventions, introducing a refreshing and unconventional style of storytelling. Their films not only elicited laughter but also sparked conversations and reflections on societal norms and expectations.

Furthermore, the Farrelly brothers’ inclusion of disabled characters in their films has been groundbreaking and has brought much-needed representation to the big screen. They have played a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity and raising awareness about disability rights through their comedic narratives. Their commitment to showcasing diverse perspectives has earned them acclaim and recognition, further solidifying their legacy.

The Farrelly brothers’ impact reaches far beyond their own filmography. They have inspired a new generation of filmmakers who strive to emulate their distinctive style and fearlessness. Their influence can be observed in the work of contemporary comedy directors and screenwriters. By breaking conventions and fearlessly exploring unconventional themes and narratives, the Farrelly brothers have set a benchmark for comedy filmmaking.

“Their films have become a part of the comedy lexicon, leaving an enduring legacy that continues to shape the genre today.” – Renowned film critic

Influence on Comedy GenreFarrelly Brothers legacy

Comedy GenreInfluence
Slapstick ComedyRevitalized the genre with their clever visual gags and physical humor
Romantic ComedyIntroduced a fresh and edgy approach, blending romance with comedic elements
Buddy ComedyExplored unique, unlikely friendships in hilarious and heartwarming ways
Screwball ComedyBrought a modern twist to the classic genre, infusing it with their irreverent and zany style

The Farrelly brothers’ legacy is a testament to their creativity, wit, and fearlessness. They have forever left an imprint on the comedy genre, shaping the way audiences perceive, consume, and appreciate comedic storytelling. Their films will continue to entertain and inspire generations to come, securing their place as influential filmmakers in the annals of cinema.


In conclusion, the Farrelly brothers, Bobby and Peter, have had a tremendous impact on the film industry. With a combined net worth of $80 million, these talented directors, screenwriters, and producers have achieved significant success throughout their careers. Known for their unique brand of humor and memorable films, they have left an indelible mark on the comedy genre.

Not only have the Farrelly brothers entertained audiences with movies like “Dumb and Dumber,” “There’s Something About Mary,” and “The Three Stooges,” but they have also made notable contributions to disability rights and inclusivity. By featuring disabled characters in their films and advocating for their representation, they have promoted greater understanding and appreciation.

With their net worth and impressive body of work, Bobby and Peter Farrelly have established a lasting legacy in Hollywood. Their influence on the comedy genre and their commitment to promoting diversity have made them influential figures in the industry. As their careers continue to thrive, we can expect more entertaining and impactful projects from these remarkable filmmakers.


What is the net worth of the Farrelly Brothers?

The Farrelly Brothers have a combined net worth of million dollars.

What are some of the movies directed by the Farrelly Brothers?

The Farrelly Brothers have directed hit films such as “Dumb and Dumber,” “There’s Something About Mary,” and “The Three Stooges.”

What type of humor do the Farrelly Brothers incorporate in their films?

The Farrelly Brothers are known for their specific type of humor, often including disabled characters and flashback sequences in their scripts.

When did Bobby Farrelly make his film debut?

Bobby Farrelly made his film debut with the comedy “Dumb and Dumber” in 1994.

What awards and nominations have the Farrelly Brothers received?

The Farrelly Brothers won the Vision Award for Theatrical Motion Pictures at the PGA Awards for “There’s Something About Mary” and have received nominations such as the Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Screenplay.

What is Bobby Farrelly’s net worth?

Bobby Farrelly has a net worth of million.

What other projects has Peter Farrelly worked on?

While this section focuses on Bobby Farrelly, it’s important to mention Peter Farrelly’s contributions as well. Peter has co-directed films such as “Dumb and Dumber” and “The Three Stooges.”

How have the Farrelly Brothers contributed to disability rights?

The Farrelly Brothers have been supporters of disability rights and often include disabled characters in their films. They have received the Morton E. Ruderman Award for Inclusion of People with Disabilities in recognition of their advocacy.

What are Bobby Farrelly’s recent projects?

Bobby Farrelly recently directed the film “Champions” and has worked on television series such as “Trailer Park Boys” and “Loudermilk.” He is also set to direct the holiday comedy “Dear Santa” starring Jack Black.

What is the legacy of the Farrelly Brothers?

The Farrelly Brothers have had a significant impact on the comedy genre with their unique brand of humor. Their films have become cult classics and continue to entertain audiences. They have influenced and inspired many filmmakers in the industry.
