Who is the best counter to Zarya?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Answer: According to the information gathered, several heroes are considered strong counters to Zarya. These include DPS heroes such as Ashe, Cassidy, Sojourn, and Echo. Their long-range hitscan abilities and high mobility make them effective at staying out of Zarya’s effective range and putting pressure on her. Additionally, tanks like Roadhog and Orisa are also mentioned as viable options due to their crowd control abilities and ability to withstand Zarya’s damage. Overall, the best counter to Zarya may vary depending on the situation and player skill, but these heroes are worth considering when facing her.

Does Echo counter Zarya?

Answer: Yes, Echo is considered a strong counter to Zarya. With her ability to swiftly go airborne, Echo can stay out of Zarya’s effective range and poke her from a safe distance. In addition, a combination of Echo’s abilities can even eliminate Zarya if she is caught off-guard without her protective barriers.

Who can counter Zarya?

Answer: DPS heroes Ashe, Cassidy, Sojourn, and Echo are considered strong counters to Zarya. Ashe, in particular, is effective due to her consistent pressure with Dynamite and overall pick potential. Cassidy and Sojourn also have the ability to quickly eliminate Zarya before she can react.

Does Ram counter Zarya?

Answer: No, Ram does not counter Zarya. The matchup between Ram and Zarya is considered neutral. While Ram can’t do much against Zarya’s attacks and ult, Zarya is also unable to do significant damage against Ram. To effectively counter Ram, it is recommended to use heroes with high mobility or high damage to pressure him.

Does Zarya counter Sigma?

Answer: Zarya is not a direct counter to Sigma, but she can be a viable pick if played strategically. To effectively counter Sigma as Zarya, players need to be aggressive and primarily use their protective barriers for themselves. This approach allows Zarya to rush down Sigma and force him back. However, it is also important to note that immobile support heroes should be avoided when facing Sigma.

Does Zarya counter D.VA?

Answer: Zarya is not necessarily a direct counter to D.VA, but she can be a strong pick against her. Zarya’s high damage output and ability to build ultimate charge quickly make her a threat to D.VA. Saving Photon Barrier to counter D.VA’s Self Destruct can also serve as a solid counter. Overall, picking Zarya when she is viable and the map provides sufficient flat terrain can give players a significant advantage against D.VA.

Does Orisa counter Zarya?

Answer: No, Orisa is not a direct counter to Zarya. While Orisa’s fortify ability can reduce the damage taken from Zarya’s attacks, it does not completely negate her damage. Orisa’s low damage output against Zarya’s barriers also makes it difficult for her to effectively counter Zarya.
